30 Day Course Pass - C.A.P.A.B.L.E: The Holistic Mindset Strategy
How to Create a Holistic Well-being Mindset That Works For You
You deserve the confidence and resilience to be able to tackle whatever life throws at you.
You'll have access to a framework and activities that can help you to develop a healthier and holistic approach towards your well-being, and better equip you to take ownership of your personal development, long after the course has finished.
Learn what a holistic well-being mindset is and how it can work for you
Assess your current well-being and how it looks and feels to you
Recognise and risk assess, the impact that one area of your well-being can have on another.
Commit to exploring opportunities to make improvements and create change.
Identify how your attitudes can influence the way in which you overcome a well-being challenge
Explore the value of creating and practising a mindset that works for you
A Warm Welcome to You
FREE PREVIEWSanArtina's Course Disclaimer
Course Content Roadmap
Study Tips: How to Complete and Save Your Work
Exercise - A Beginners Mind
Let's Simplify the Jargon
Introduction to an Holistic Well-being Mindset (HWM) Concept
Exploring The HWM Concept
Exercise - Before the Work Begins!
5 Guiding Principles that Underpin a HWM
FREE PREVIEWIdentify Areas of Well-being
Exercise 1 - Acceptance GP: A Meditation
Exercise 2 - Your Meditation Feedback
How are you doing so far?
What is a Well-being Landscape?
FREE PREVIEWHow to Apply the Appreciation GP
Exercise - Appreciation GP: Your Well-being Landscape
How to Apply the Recognition GP
Exercise - Recognition GP
How to Apply the Commitment GP
Exercise - Commitment GP
How to Sense-check Your Attitude
Exercise - Exploring Your Attitudes
Learn How the Benefits Can Add Value to Your Life
Exercise - Explore your Return on Investment (ROI)
How to Apply the Aspiration GP
Exercise - Aspiration GP: Improvement Over Perfection
Self-reflection is Self-appreciation
Let's Do a Recap!
How to Use Your New Skills
Module 2 - Meditation Transcript
Module 3 - Blank Landscape
Module 4 - Recognition Blank Table
Module 4 - Commitment Blank Table
Module 6 - Blank Benefit and Value Table
Sarah Ashley Neal
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It is absolutely possible to adopt a holistic approach towards your well-being. While it can take time to develop a holistic well-being mindset that works for you, throughout the course you will be establishing the best methods for you.
Ideally yes, for the first time, to fully benefit from the content and support learning. This is because it provides a framework which requires your input at each stage which you are invited to use in the next module to build on.
You can refresh yourself through the course as often as you like. The clearer you are on how to use the framework, the easier it will be to use it to your advantage and apply a technique that benefits you when needed.
Yes of course. While you may find it useful to repeat the full course every now and again, to keep you on track, the practical modules are designed to teach you a separate skill.
This depends on how often you can set time aside to work through course content and do the self-reflection and self-assessment activities. There isn't a time limit on how fast you need to learn. It is more about digesting and applying the content so it becomes useful to you.
Yes. SanArtina is creating additional short courses which helps you review your well-being practices and create healthier habits that are underpinned by your holistic well-being mindset.